
An Innovative Municipal Electrician Serving El Paso, TX and Beyond

Special Systems Call for Special Expertise

Public parks and recreational spaces require special considerations among electrical infrastructure. Year One Electrical has a team of specialty municipal electricians who are fully trained to handle these unique electrical systems and configurations. We work with municipalities to establish planning as well as new installation for modern electrical systems. Every project we handle also utilizes materials that stand up to the demanding conditions that are often required by outdoor electrical settings. Trust the municipal electricians at Year One Electrical for fast, responsive, and reliable electrical work that keeps your neighborhoods safe and secure.

Safety is Always a Primary Concern

Year One Electrical is available to perform standard electrical maintenance for electrical systems in a wide range of settings, including public parks, splash pads and splash parks, park district utility facilities, and more. If something is found to be wrong, our municipal electricians work to fix the problem as soon as possible. We are available at a moment’s notice when storms or various other natural events cause damage to your electrical system, as this scenario usually results in an important public safety issue. Pre-planning is also available to help municipalities account for what could happen, and how to operate their electrical systems for peak efficiency and personnel safety.