Medical Facilities

Need an Emergency Electrician Near El Paso, TX?

Meeting Your Essential Electrical Needs

It’s no industry secret that hospitals and medical facilities rely on dependable electrical services at all times. Fortunately for Texas-based clients, Year One Electrical provides electrical design and installation to hospitals, nursing homes, and other healthcare-related facilities. Our solutions feature the best electrical products along with special features that are especially suited to this vital industry. We know the uptime in your facility’s electrical is imperative – and that literally the lives of your patients depend on uninterrupted electrical power. That’s why our team is available around the clock to serve our medical clientele day or night.

Minimizing the Need for Repairs

When an emergency strikes, our company is ready to help local medical facilities recover as quickly as possible. Each team member we employ for these critical projects is a certified and licensed emergency electrician. At Year One Electrical, our experts get to work bringing damaged or off-line systems back within the shortest amount of downtime. We also carry a range of common parts and accessories, cutting down on the wait time for many projects. Whether your healthcare facility is upgrading your current electrical system or installing a brand new one with greater reliability and accessibility, the experts at Year One Electrical can help.